Ensure the availability of my website

Begin at 50 €/month

See packages

Non-stop digital monitoring to guarantee your website is available and reactive Monitoring the pages on your website is one of the main ways to ensure your online business is a success. Availability and reactivity are the primary guarantees of a successful user experience and a good ranking in Google results pages. At Plan.Net Access, we continually test the performance of the main pages of your website to make sure they are accessible and are displaying quickly. We also check on other important issues, such as renewing your domain name, your level of exposure to computer viruses or how your website is working abroad. If there is a problem on your pages, our experts ​​will alert you, identify the causes and provide rapid solutions. Our Monitoring pack includes a range of options adapted to your needs and to your website.

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En savoir +

At Plan.Net Access, we continuously test the performance of your site's critical pages to ensure they are accessible and fast. We also check other important criteria such as your domain name renewal, exposure to computer viruses, or whether your site is operating abroad. If there is a problem on your pages, our experts alert you, identify the causes and offer fast solutions. Our Monitoring package offers different options tailored to your needs and your website.

Nos formules

Bronze package
50 € HT /month
  • Testing a URL
  • from 2 locations in France every 30 minutes
Silver package
120 € HT /month
  • Test on 10 URLs
  • from 2 locations in France every 15 minutes
  • Weekly performance test
  • Domain name monitoring
  • Custom report
Gold package
200 € HT /month
  • Test on an unlimited number of URLs
  • from 10 locations around the world every 15 minutes
  • Weekly performance test
  • Domain name monitoring
  • Custom report
  • International test
  • Scan the virus
Un suivi constant des performances de votre écosystème digital
La garantie d’un site disponible et réactif
Une équipe dédiée qui vous accompagne en cas de problème

Nos autres offres pour lancer votre business

Un paiement 100% en ligne et 100% sécurisé
Des prix clairs, sans options cachées ou mauvaise surprise
Un contact dédié pour piloter votre projet digital
20 ans d’expérience au service de vos projets